If you're the type of person to always have a space heater and lap blanket at your desk then this might be good news. If you happen to be the one with the mini fan always on, then not so good news. So here it is. This year will almost definitely be the hottest year on record for the contiguous United States. That will be the fourth time that records have either been totally broken or almost broken in the last 14 years.
Tomorrow is the first day of fall with the Autumnal Equinox happening at 6:49 a.m. EDT, yet it still feels just as hot as it did in the middle of summer. This is like the groundhog seeing its shadow making for a longer winter, but now it's a longer summer. If this keeps up we'll have to come up with some animal mascot and tradition. Maybe a prairie dog in Arizona can be the unofficial judge. Personally I look forward to autumn with the turning of the leaves, crisp breezes and harvest moons, but I think all of those things will come a little later this year.
For those of you who might be part reptile, you thrive in this lit-up aquarium type climate and I envy you on days like this, but that is beside the point. That being said you have been gifted Summer Overtime. Now you have a few, maybe more, extra weekends to spend at the beach, poolside or having Summer Overtime BBQ's. So take advantage of the warm (hot!) sunny days and balmy nights with your favorite people, food and most importantly music to celebrate the first day of fall like it's the first day of summer.
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