Friday, November 21, 2014

Black Friday

Black Friday is widely known as the busiest shopping day of the year as well as the start of the Christmas shopping season. The argument of how Black Friday originated is still debated to this day. One side argues that the name originated in Philadelphia where it described the massive amount of traffic that would occur the day after Thanksgiving. The other side argues that the name originated from retailers who were operating at a financial loss, or "in the red," from January through November. They would use the term "Black Friday" to indicate the point when they started turning a profit or would go "in the black."

Whatever the origins of Black Friday may be, the real issue is the name. Up until recently, Black Friday started on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Since 2012, Black Friday deals start and stores open at 8 PM the day before. This means that Black Friday starts on Thursday. Does anyone else see an issue with this? All the pushing and shoving violence in search of saving a few bucks now cuts into a day we are supposed to be giving thanks. The madness stops here. At Accessory Genie we are saving you from the violence and the confusion of Black Friday deals on a Thursday. Starting at Midnight 11/28 and running through Midnight 11/29 (A TRUE BLACK FRIDAY MIGHT I ADD), we are offering $10 off $50 orders, $20 off $100 orders and $30 off $150 orders. To sweeten the pot, enjoy free shipping on all qualifying orders over $50. Be sure to fill yourself with turkey and take advantage of these awesome deals on the real Black Friday.

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