Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Staying in Shape & Looking Cool at the Same Time

For those in the United States (less Arizona and Hawaii), Daylight Savings time began this Sunday. This means an extra hour of sunshine in the evening, though we have to wake up in the darkness :(  But, hey, it's worth it if it means that you can still get off of work and go for an outdoor run! And what better device to do this with than the GOgroove BlueVIBE F1T?!

GOgroove BlueVIBE F1T Wireless Water Resistant Bluetooth Sports Stereo Headphone - Click Image to Close
This wireless Bluetooth sports headset provides comfort with efficiency. The band is only one ounce and is customized to fit behind-the-head.  It is water-resistant, so sweat and moisture have no chance of getting in between you and your workout! One of the best parts: if you are streaming music from your smartphone, you can answer calls with the touch of a button! The on-board controls allow you to adjust the volume, play, pause and skip tracks. There are three different-sized earbuds to fit your comfort level. Right now, it is on sale for more than 50% off!
For that, I'll miss my hour of sleep anyday!

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